Let’s start a generosity movement
of Free Lemonade Stands
How it works

Prepare Stand
Let us know you’re doing one. Then use our packing checklist to prepare everything you need.

Give Lemonade
Go out there and give people free lemonade and whatever else you want. You can’t ask for money but you can have a tip jar.

Get Recognized
Post your photos on social media. Tag them with #FreeLemonadeStand. Then email us to get your movement maker NFT.

About #FreeLemonadeStand
This is a movement that was started by a five year old name Q in NYC who decided not to sell Lemonade but give it away instead. She was delighted how surprised people were to not have to pay anything and how happy it made them.
It’s a simple way for some kids to experience the power of generosity — random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.
A lemonade stand still represents the best of capitalism but as inequality grows to unsustainable levels, #freelemonadestand also serves as a reminder that a more compassionate and equitable version of capitalism is possible. Kids can show the world that being enterprising entrepreneurs and generous community members go best together.
To track how contagious it is and as a way to innovate around social movements (to use new technology to turbo boost the riskiest/hardest part of a movement — the beginning), we have created and are giving away what we call “movement maker” NFTs to recognize the first movers who help make this happen. The first 100 stands will be given a 1st edition NFT (for free). Then if this amounts to anything, we’ll give 2nd edition NFTs to the next 1000..
Baked into the terms of these NFTs is that, if ever resold, 51% of the sale price will go to the movement — a fund to support this movement and/or charities running other random acts of kindness. The rest has to go towards the kid’s education.